Episode 105: Conversation with Aaron Gunsaulus (Part 1)
Summary of Episode
It is necessary to fight for the purity of Christ's Church and the holiness of His doctrine. We must be determined to fight, not flinch, in every circumstance.
Aaron is the pastor of the Newton Christian Reformed Church in Newton, Iowa, and has been married for 27 years with six children. He came to reformed theology through RC Sproul and Ligonier Ministries, and attended RTS Orlando twice, once in 1996 and again in 2010. He has been part of a variety of churches, including Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and non-denominational, and found it difficult to unlearn what he had learned and replace it with reformed theology. However, he eventually found joy and peace in it.
Aaron was raised in a Methodist church and was familiar with the Armenian position, but when discussing God's sovereignty and election with a reformed Baptist preacher, he became convinced of the reformed position. This led to him being ordained as an elder in the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) and pursuing a degree from RTS Orlando. He found that the CRC had a distinct culture and heritage, and as he and his wife got to know the church better, he felt like he was accepted as one of them.
Jason and Aaron discuss the CRC's theological heritage and the relationship between classes and churches. They also note the importance of staying in a church for a long time in order to create lasting change and the value of Alistair Begg's talk on the dangers and delights of long-term ministry. Jason also highlights the benefits of the CRC's size, which allows for close relationships and easy access to pastors.
Aaron found his experience at Synod to be energizing, as he was able to meet people from across the denomination and gain a broader scope of what's going on. Although it was physically exhausting, he felt mentally and spiritually energized by the experience. Aaron learned that he loves his denomination and it is worth fighting for. He believes that the current issue of human sexuality is an issue of biblical authority and that it is necessary to fight for the purity of Christ's Church and the holiness of His doctrine. He is motivated by the defense of the once and for all faith delivered to the saints and is determined to fight, not flinch, in every circumstance.