Episode 108: Conversation with Anthony Sytsma (Part 2)
"We need a revival, but what I mean specifically by revival is a falling in love with the gospel again. The basic gospel and thinking of what Christ has done for us, thinking of our forgiveness of sins, the kingdom of God. Then as we fall in love with the gospel, we will be people who go out and share the gospel with others and get back into more church planting." -Anthony Sytsma
Summary of This Episode
The Christian Reformed Church (CRC) has many things we should appreciate, such as confessions, position statements, and church polity, which can be shared with other denominations. In addition, the CRC's denominational structure provides accountability and protection for both pastors and churches.
The idea of clarity is important to help things function properly and bring unity. This is something that is recognized in the CRC and churches in Uganda. There is a need for flexibility to change, but also clarity and structure.
In the East African churches, there is not much openness to an affirming stance on sexuality, but there is a need to be loving and welcoming to those with different views. There is a tension between hating what is evil and holding fast to what is good, and it is important to find a balance between the two.
Anthony is concerned about the lack of unity in the Christian Reform Church, as well as the effects of Calvin University on students' faith, which includes teachers teaching against the denomination's confessions and a focus on secular culture. He believes there is too much optimism about the human soul. He believes that common grace is real, but that students should be careful about what they take in.
We need to fall in love with the gospel, be people of prayer, submit to God's word, and practice church discipline in love in order to see a reformation in the Christian Reformed Church. We should also listen to African churches and learn from them, such as reading books by African authors, listening to sermons by African preachers, and befriending African pastors in North America. Doing so will help us to grow in Christ.
About Anthony Sytsma
“I’ve learned the pleasure of getting to know God’s people in different places.”
Anthony Sytsma and his wife Sara work for Resonate Global Mission in Uganda, where Anthony mentors and teaches pastors. He is passionate about encouraging Christians in America to listen and learn from Christians in Africa so that they can work collaboratively to reform mission and development efforts in Africa. Anthony has worked for World Renew in Uganda and Kenya. And he hosts a podcast called Meet an African Pastor.
Make sure you check out his podcast at: https://africanpastor.podbean.com/