Episode 193: Confessions as Compass - Guiding Through The Long Game of Reformation - Israel Ledee (Part 2)
“The confessions are so helpful primarily because they…summarize Scripture for us. They're a beautiful summary of what God teaches us through His Word. And…the reason that we want to be confessional is because…[a] common confession…expresses the foundations of our commitment, our faith, together. This is what we believe and this is what we're committed to. This is what God has revealed to us in His Word…[Confessions] have been tested by time and…been put together by people who love God and his Word…The more we are founded on our confessions–which are proper summaries of God's Word, the better vision of God's world we will have. We'll be able to have a proper perspective on life and godliness.” -Israel Ledee
Summary of This Episode
Jason and Willy are rejoined this week by Rev. Israel Ledee, pastor at Immanuel CRC in Burbank, IL. The conversation picks back up focused on Israel’s Synod experience. Jason asks how he felt during the gravamen discussion. Israel expresses a bit of kinship with Patrick Anthony–the reason they are in the denomination is for doctrinal reasons. While the trend has been towards the CRC being conservative, he wasn’t positive about how some of the votes would go on the Synod floor. He had considered if things didn’t turn out as they did, it was not going to be good, but as they went, there was relief! He felt God faithfully led and deserves the praise for the stands that were taken; yet he recognizes some are dejected, and we are still called to love them.
As they talk about the reformation happening in the CRC as a confessional denomination, he offers a beautiful statement of what this is about and why it’s important. “The confessions are so helpful primarily because they…summarize Scripture for us. They're a beautiful summary of what God teaches us through His Word. And…the reason that we want to be confessional is because…[a] common confession…expresses the foundations of our commitment, our faith, together. This is what we believe and this is what we're committed to. This is what God has revealed to us in His Word…[Confessions] have been tested by time and…been put together by people who love God and his Word…The more we are founded on our confessions–which are proper summaries of God's Word, the better vision of God's world we will have. We'll be able to have a proper perspective on life and godliness.”
Israel also offers a caution that we are not to idolize the confessions, but to see them as helping us “navigate life in a godly manner.” He and Jason agree that’s necessary. Jason quotes the truth of “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” “...Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love…” That is a real thing, even among dedicated Christians, and confessions can help curb our wandering or remind us of the foundational truths in God’s Word.
Willy invites Israel to look down the road and give his thoughts about upcoming classis meetings. There are classes, like Wisconsin, where things will likely be business as usual. In divided or conflicted classes, like Chicago South, the road is a bit bumpier. Israel hopes to help his classis implement the things Synod instructed all classes to implement, including bringing alignment with the confessions in a gentle, loving, and pastoral way. He recognizes this isn’t easy, but he’s been in conversation with other pastors and local leaders–he points out his intent is not fanatical but being faithful. Jason reminds us that things like re-signing the Covenant for Officebearers annually may be new, but every year at synod–no matter how many times one has been there–all stand for the Public Declaration of Agreement. He also sees the denomination providing resources that are showing a slow shift in the right direction.
Israel’s final words are an encouragement to preach and disciple faithfully, and trust God will be faithful. He reminds us that reformation always comes through God’s Word and Spirit. We should beware of using gimmicks that deviate from God’s Word being our primary focus.