Episode Fifty Five: Conversation with Ed Gerber (Part 1)
Ed Gerber is happily married to Michelle and is the father of four beautiful daughters who are all attending Surrey Chrisian School. Ed graduated with an interdisciplinary BA in Philosophy and Religion & Theology from Calvin College ('99) before earning a Masters of Divinity from Regent College in Vancouver, BC ('02). This was followed by a two year stint at Calvin Theological Seminary in order to be credentialed for ordained ministry in the Christian Reformed Church (SPMC, '04). After serving for five years as solo pastor at Webster Christian Reformed Church in Upstate New York ('04-09), the opportunity arose for Ed to undertake graduate studies at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, where he earned a PhD in the New Testament ('13). In addition to pastoring full-time, Ed is a member of the Center for Pastor Theologians, which is "an organization dedicated to assisting pastor-theologians in the study and written production of biblical and theological scholarship for the ecclesial renewal of theology and the theological renewal of the church." Ed's passion for the Church and the Word of God is rooted in a deep and joyful conviction of the reality of the Triune God, supremely revealed on the canvas of history in and through the life of Jesus: God's new Adam and representative of humanity, who died, rose, and ascended in glory from where he now rules over heaven and earth.