Episode Seventy Seven: Synod Reflections from Andy Sytsma (Part 1)
A Little Bit About Andy
I was born in Japan and lived there until I moved back to the U.S. for college. My wife Jacie grew up in Argentina and later lived in the Bay area of California. We met at college and married a few years later in seminary. Then internships in West Michigan, Houston, and Seattle gave us invaluable experience for ministry.
Prior to moving to Texas we spent ten years in New Jersey. I helped rebirth a dying church. This was a very rich season for us. Both our kids were born there. In many ways I experienced my start in ministry there. We were very happy in New Jersey and weren’t looking to move but God made it clear he wanted us in Texas. So we accepted the call and moved south. We have now lived here 12 years. We aren't from Texas but got here as quick as we could!
It’s humbling to follow three other pastors at New Life who helped lay a solid foundation. My prayer is that God will help us accomplish our mission to make and multiply disciples. My passion is to see lost people come to Jesus, believers grow and mature in Him, and all of us on mission, transforming our communities for Christ.
Right now, I’m having a lot of fun being dad to my two kids, Natalie and Caleb, and enjoying date nights with Jacie. I love basketball (more watching than playing these days!), reading books, watching movies and finding cheap, hole-in-the-wall restaurants with great food.
My leadership style is similar to the apostle Andrew. You don’t hear much about Andrew, but he loved Jesus and loved leading people to Jesus. I can be a little introverted, so I won't always be the loudest person in the room. But that’s fine. I’d rather have the spot light on Jesus! And in the meantime I’m going to work hard leading as many people to Jesus as I can and raising up a new generation of disciples who are passionate and sold-out for him.
If you’re in the area please join us for worship. We serve an awesome and gracious God and it would be our privilege to help you follow Jesus. Grace and peace!