Jason, I believe you are wrong regarding a reemphasis of Classis in the organization structure of the CRCNA. It is the weakest link in the Denomination, Classis, congregation structure. To spend time and energy on strengthening it would be a waste.. Change the denomination offices to focus internally, congregation/pastor/member. No "middle man" so to speak.

The top should be 100% focused on the congregation/pastor/member and provide resources to those roots of the church. An intermediary between the top and the roots is a waste given the communication tools available to us. Have "regional groups" meet once a year to choose reps. to Synod.

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You started off by making claims of organization bloat and inefficiency, yet did not provide a single example. Can you provide some concrete examples? I'm a newish listener to this podcast, so maybe it's been discussed previously? I'm a born and raised CRC so familiar with most of the orgs, but not necessarily with the financial or organization issues that you apparently have.

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