They did not applaud-My Synod 2022 Experience
Written by Rob Braun (Elder Delegate from Classis Lake Superior)
Significant Contrasts
CRCNA Synod 2022 officially affirmed the Human Sexuality Report and its recommendation to make it a confessional document. And despite the nearly 3 to 1 vote for it, after the count was announced, there was no applause on the floor of Synod. There was no cheer. Only a somber silence. The reason being, after hours of soulful deliberation, everyone realized the weight of the issue at that moment. Everyone knew the deep hurt this decision will have on many in our denomination, even though they may be a minority. So, the room kept silent out of respect.
On the other hand, there was a raucous cheering and loud applause upon the floor of Synod celebrating 25 years of women’s ordination in our denomination. Yet, nevertheless, there was a good number of delegates at this Synod who disagreed with that synodical decision of 25 years ago, and who, nevertheless, sat silently as others around them cheered and applauded. Despite the sensitivity of the issue for them, they sat quietly, respecting the celebration of the moment.
I was an elder delegate at this Synod. I witnessed the struggle that many were having. I had long discussions with a few. I know their hearts are in the right place. I just couldn’t agree with their conclusions. Like them, it was a matter of conscience for me as well.
Young Conservatives in the CRC
I came to synod twenty-five years ago. It was immediately after the women’s ordination decision. From the votes I witnessed then compared to the way votes went at this synod, I’m convince that those in attendance in Synod 1997 would have split straight down the middle if they had been given a chance to vote on this issue.
But things have changed in the CRCNA. There’s a younger, more conservative movement going on in our denomination. And it is clear that is our future. For me that’s an answer to prayer, because I love the CRCNA. I joined it because of its theologically rich heritage and its deep commitment to God’s Word. I was such a fan of its teachings that before I had joined the CRC I taught the Heidelberg Catechism in the independent church I ministered in. I used many of its theological works as a basis for many of my sermons. I am an authentic CRC convert in every sense of the word.
Encouraged by Synod 2022
Synod 2022 was a huge encouragement to me. I saw it as a continuing commitment to the CRC I once loved and read about from afar. I have feared its once rich intellectual commitment to the authority of the Scriptures was becoming, incrementally, a thing of the past. But Synod 2022 has changed my mind on this and I’m glad for it.
I recognize there are many who are struggling with this decision. They feel like they’ve been set adrift. I know the feeling. But hopefully, they’ll continue with us, just as I and many others have for the past twenty five years.
Psalms 133 pretty much sums up the hope that I have for us in this. It reads; “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Coming together is often the harder part of attaining the good and pleasant part of Christian fellowship. But nonetheless, despite the struggles that may try to block our way to it, as Christians, coming together and dwelling in unity is our biblically required goal.